A Powerful Economic Force in Today’s World

The first generation of social media companies got the "social" part right. The next generation will merge social media with commerce; in the form of Ultra Social Commerce Micro-Networks. That is the Lumaxa breakthrough.

Social media is sweeping the planet. But social media companies haven’t figured out how to effectively turn their social networks into commerce. They rely on paid advertising. That’s so "last century." No advertising can match the power of personal relationships with family, friends, neighbors or colleagues that are created through our Ultra Social Commerce Networks.

Lumaxa revolutionizes the social media model. Unlike Internet social media companies trying to do commerce, Lumaxa is a growing community of Micro-Networks that connect established Networks into a desirable and ever-expanding Lumaxa "community" where commerce is already in our DNA. We call our growing base of connections the "Lumaxa Network Cloud". Every time another Micro-Network is added to Lumaxa, we increase the number of connections with whom we have a relationship. Ultimately, everyone who’s connected to the "Lumaxa Network Cloud" can be offered discounts, the ability to create generation earnings and the other benefits on an unlimited number of products and services.

The final result: millions of Lumaxaians all of whom have an economic incentive to join, sell, buy from and remain with Lumaxa’s community. Lumaxa intends to be the first Ultra-Social Commerce Network company of this century.